Ein perfekter Tag braucht heutzutage eine Dosis WALL•E, sonst kann es nichts werden. Und damit heute auch ein perfekter Tag wird, gebe ich euch heute eure Dosis von diesem kleinen Roboter in Form einiger Rezensionen und ein paar weiterer Artikel...
Achtung, die verlinkten Rezensionen könnten Spoiler enthalten, aber die hier zitierten Stellen sind spoilerfrei!
WALL-E is another winning confection from Pixar, the folks who have made an art out of wrapping adult themes in childish whimsy and coming out with movies that please both elements. Starring a box shaped little robot with more than a passing resemblance to E.T., WALL-E is quite possibly the cutest Pixar hero ever, despite the fact that he's a trash compactor with eyes. A story centering on a wordless robot could be cold and uninviting, but not in Pixar's capable hands. Never has a robot been this compassionate: WALL-E's got heart. [...]
Andrew Stanton, who won an Oscar in 2004 for Finding Nemo, has certainly earned his place in the pantheon of animation pioneers, but with WALL-E, he has taken not only the art of animation, but the art of storytelling to new, unimaginable heights.
- Cinema Blend
'WALL-E' is a visual feast to behold and it isn't just because of the detailed state-of-the-art computer graphics that Pixar renders better than anyone. The film is filled with beautiful imagery that not only helps tell the story, but remains in your mind's eye long after its over. This is not the average kiddie flick that attempts to manipulate you because their is such sincerity and sweetness behind its intentions. It's great science-fiction, spectacular excitement and an emotional journey, but if I were to sum it up in one word it would be "EXTRAORDINAR-E!"
- Latino Review
a film that’s both breathtakingly majestic and heartbreakingly intimate—and, for a good long while, absolutely bereft of dialogue save the squeals, beeps, and chirps of a sweet, lonely robot who, aside from his cockroach pet, is the closest thing to the last living being on earth.
- Village Voice
Und hier die versprochenen, weiteren Artikel:
- Interview mit dem Produzenten Jim Morris
- USA Today über die Entstehung des Films
- Inspirationen im alten Hollywood
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