Für Morgenstern ist WALL•E ein Meisterwerk, dass nicht nur den Oscar für den besten Animationsfilm verdient habe, sondern auch eine Nominierung in der Kategorie "Bester Film". Jedoch müssten Disney und Pixar für eine solche Ehre bereits jetzt mit der Promotion und allem was zur Kampagne dazugehört beginnen:
In keeping with its singular distinction, Pixar's latest gift to movie lovers should be a candidate for the most prestigious award, Best Picture, when Oscar time rolls around. And the time to start the drumbeat is now, because the path to that nomination is strewn with prickly practicalities and marked by timeworn doubts.
To that I say, right on, and to Disney, which now owns Pixar, I say, when the time comes, do the right thing -- put "WALL-E" up for the Best Picture nomination it so richly deserves. To be sure, the strategy entails risk. While a Best Animated Feature nomination would almost certainly bring a Best Animated Feature Oscar -- I mean no disrespect to other contenders, it's just that "WALL-E" is playing its own game by its own rules -- a bid for Best Picture might not end in Academy-sanctioned victory. But a champion mustn't be kept from competing with other champions. Such a dazzling light shouldn't be hidden beneath a splintering bushel.
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